Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oh The Joys

So I went to the doctor on Friday September 4th because I have been experiencing some things that are abnormal for me. These symptoms are as follows: decreased appetite (a 1/2 bagel & a tea can last me until approx 3pm before I get hungry again), diarrhea (not that you really needed to know this) dizziness or lightheadedness ( I have actually fell and twisted my ankle because of this) increased sweating (just sitting in an air conditioned room doing absolutely nothing and my face looks like I've been running a marathon), nausea & tiredness & I've been having trouble sleeping. Good thing is that my sex drive is slowly returning and that part of my life is slowly returning (To the Happiness of my husband)

So now I am going thru the day without eating anything, without drinking anything other than water to have my blood tested for 1/2 a million tests, She is testing my iron levels for anemia and to see if I have developed diabetes and my vitamin d levels, and so on and so forth including a pregnancy test. (DO NOT TELL STEVE).

The doc says just because it's unlikely we need to test just in case. And when I say it's unlikely I say that because although we have had relations I am on the pill and I take it everyday. But she is testing because my asthma medication does lessen the effectiveness of the pill. I DO NOT BELIEVE I AM PREGNANT AND THEREFORE WILL NOT BE ADVISING STEVE OF THIS TEST AS I DO NOT WANT ANY KIND OF CONVERSATION ABOUT WHAT IF......... I am not ready for that kind of converstion.

It's more likely to do with the prozac that I am taking. But she doesn't want to discount anything just in case. Anyhow now that my break is up and I have successfully managed to get my thoughts out about what is going on right now with me .... although I have other news but will put that in a later post... I am going to bid you adieux


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aloha i'm new to this. I stumbled upon this forum I find It extremely helpful and it's helped me a great deal. I hope to contribute & guide others like it has helped me.

Cheers, Catch You Around