Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It's 2:31 am on Wednesday December 2, 2009 and I can not sleep. Nothing new when I have spent a bad day at work thinking about how horrible I am at my job and knowing not how to fix it. Now I am being very hard on myself. I hear the bad more than I hear the good my fault but still, having hard time hearing the good when it's so miniscule that it's easily forgotten when the bad stuff comes last.

I am not meeting expectations. I have a hard time probing into other peoples financial business when I get the gut feeling that it's too late for anything I could have possible done for them and the best course of action for them is to file bankruptcy but of course not supposed to suggest that as we the bank will lose money. I do this anyways sometimes can't help it. I care about people. Goes against nature.

But I need to do better at job. Is paying the rent, feeding and clothing the child and keeping husband in electronic devices afterall. Keep stiff upper lip and stop caring so much. Pretend money is my own (not necessarily a good thing as I often fall for a sap story and forgive the debt without hard feelings) but sometimes if customer asshole not good either as I may get rude & tell asshole customer give back money now! Theif! Shouldn't have lent you money in first place!!! I've done it and have gotten reprimand for it. NOT GOOD!

But this is the reason it's now 2:41am and I am up writing in this blog. I've been "role playing" in my head all night to try to figure out more comfortable ways of asking:

  1. Are you working?
  2. ft / pt?
  3. hrly, salary or commission?
  4. how much?
  5. why are you late with payments?
  6. how are your other bills?
  7. are you having financial difficulties?
  8. what are you going to do about it?
  9. when can you pay?
  10. what method of payment are you going to use?

then tell them that there are consequences to having late payments based on what kind of account it is, interest rate increases, perm blocks etc.....

I know there are several people out there with much bigger and important problems than this and I am very happy that this is just that a small problem in the grand scheme of things. But it's also on the top of a very shaky foundation of other "small" problems so the pyramid may come crashing down at any minute or the cement truck could stop by and cement everything into place, either way I need to work on 1 problem at a time.

As Reinhold Niebuhr said in his 1934 sermon:

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

Have a good day all, and here's to not falling asleep at my desk!



emmy said...

Hey Jenn,

I've been there.. remember we work at the same place. Don't change yourself for the world. Rather then thinking that the customer has your money, think of them as a friend who too has a family that can't pay the bills and really needs help. As a friend you would tell them the truth and help them find a solution. This is what keeps me at our job and keeps me sane. Don't change YOU change your approach - you have a big heart... so share it with the world.. it will allow you to sleep better. love ya lots.. big hugs xoxo

Jenn Waugh's Blog said...

Thank you Emmy. I really needed that.

Wangcouver said...
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Wangcouver said...

You need to work somewhere else. You have knowledge and skills but need a different angle to the field that you work in. You should be a credit counsellor, instead of someone that asks for repayment. Additionally, working as you have for as long as you have, you're well positioned to negotiate with the banks on behalf of indebted people.

Seriously, talk to a credit counselling agency and ask how someone gets started in that role. I found these guys online: