This has been the most frustrating event in my life planning my own wedding wasn't this frustrating. This is what happens when you leave planning to a group of guys. I've been following along with the emails as Steve my darling husband reads them and what his replies are..... We are a single income family with a monthly income of $2000.00, my husband stays home with our daughter, we don't have grandparents to take our child whenever we want to and the one other person we have ever trusted to watch Minuette has a child of her own - a pre-schooler and the time she watched Min her husband was home to take care of their little boy. I have requested certain dates off for vacation and it leaves me with nothing for just myself they all have a purpose .... 2 bachelor parties .... a wedding and my little girls 2nd birthday ... (I never work on my loved ones birthday or at least try not to. ) but this is a sacrifice I am willing to make. It is important for me to know exactly when they are going and that the cost stays as low as possible. We've had to start saving when Dan 1st started talking about this.
My frustration is not the same frustration the men are feeling. Mine is I can see a solution to all these men's problems but feel it's not my place to step in..... So far they are all acting like a deer with 5 heads trying to figure out where to run because the wolf is chasing them but stuck in one spot because they can't come to an agreement and unfortunately the wolf is right behind them now. So if any of those men want a suggestion from an outsider FEMALE here it is... (well if they know about this blog)
1. Appoint people to certain jobs. example:
1 person deals with accommodations & flights (Steve loves accommodations - it's his forte), another person books the entertainment IE: shooting range, outing to the dam etc .. (cliff already started doing this if I am not mistaken in one of the emails I've read),
another person responsible for booking car rentals for above outings
another person to research public transit and local area (so you people don't get lost)
2. As you get the info share it. Don't leave it to any kind of vote. YOU GUYS ARE FRIENDS AND HAVE BEEN THRU 2 BACHELOR PARTIES ALREADY SOME OF YOU 3!! If you appoint someone to do the work then trust him to do his job. If he doesn't do it then you can bury him in the Nevada Desert like the mob!
3. As for length of time...... well some guys can go longer and have to cut it short. The ones who can't make it for the entire time here's a solution.... let the guy planning flights and accom's know you can't do the whole trip, let him know if you want to leave for Vegas with everyone or come home from Vegas with anyone and do it that way.
It's important you guys keep in mind that you are planning this for someone else. So keeping in mind your obligations at home (which are a priority) but when there Dan should be the priority. He doesn't necessarily want to be gambling all the time while you guys are there... He wants to see the sights. READ what he wants. Call him, ask him questions. I say this because for my bachelorette party I was brought to a place I was uncomfortable in I thought was nasty and did not have a good time at. This is the memory I have to live with for the rest of my life. No one asked me what I wanted to do. No one took into consideration of my feelings and so everyone else had a great time but me the bride to be......
**side note: Which is probably why Steve is so pig headed about doing what Dan wants, he knows I don't have a fond memory of mine.***
With All My love!!
post script - you'll notice the photo is from the last day of Paul's bachelor party... I chose this because you ALL have some fond memories of this event!!
1 comment:
I hear ya girlfriend! We really can't afford two bachelor parties, (afford time or money wise) so we opted for what (I hope) will be the cheaper one. With me going back to school in September a Vegas weekend is not an option. (We may not even go away for our anniversary this year.)
And neither did I have a fabulous time at my bachelorette. I wish someone had asked me as well.
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