I just spent the last 3 days gasping for air to finally be able to breath consistantly for more than a few minutes but ended up with the headache of all headaches. As a result I did not go to work. Well for most of you you'd ask so what's the big deal? the big deal is i've been threatened to not miss more work due to illness or i can be fired. 9 times out 10 the problem steamed from something that occurred in the office this time it didn't but the result was the same.
I can't sleep right at all. I've woken up with nightmares of getting fired the night before I am well enough to go to work and am extremely tied the morning of. I know all the platiudes i've head them a million times but easier said then done. anyhow this is one of those mornings that i've had a nightmare took 3 hrs to get back to sleep just to be woken up 20 min later with the alarm which is set on playing the radio with a news report about people who do not get a good night sleep are prone to be dissatisfied with life .... as I crawled over my husband i found myself hmmphing in agreement!
well that's all folks for now. off to the grind!
1 comment:
I'm glad you are feeling well enough to go back to work, and I hope they don't give you a hard time. I wonder if it would help at all if you got a note from your doctor? I've been unwell too but fortunately I've been sleeping well because the cold medication knocks me out.........
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