Anyhow as you can see in the attached videos we went to the park. As Minuette is getting bigger and more independent I did not take her stroller (not to mention it's too big to get out just to go down the street) So we walked ... or should I say I walked and she was carried. We got to the park and the 1st thing she wanted to do was run into the muck that was being caused by the melting snow. Then she wanted to run onto the road ... She has a sense of adventure and believes in her power of beauty and anyone in a car would be foolhardy to run her over.
So I finally get her to "notice the playground" and off she goes... She goes down on the slide and then we move over to the baby teeter totter ... which she finds amusing then we go to the swings which she sorta finds fun but the look on her face looks as if she's scared to death.
Then we go to the "big Kids's jungle gym and she plays on that (i have to go up on it too so she doesn't fall but only when she gets to the other side) and we go down the twirly slide. She finds this hilarious and she ends up on the "big Kids" teeter totter.
Anyways at the end of the trip she refuses to go home and figures if she doesn't want to go home she will not contribute to getting there so of course I have to carry her home again.
At the end my curious little wonder decides to get her fingers stuck in the elevator door and scream like crazy until of course she gets in the door and into her father's bewildered arms. At which point I advise him of why she's crying and he calmly says to the child ...... well I guess you'll know not to stick your fingers in the door now.
Just a side note:
She is fine. No broken digits. She cried mostly out of fear (my fault, I panicked) and being really tired. She ended up falling asleep for 2 hrs about 20 min after we got home.
(I don't know how you can figure out what floor your on so you can get your child's fingers out of the elevator door because you know it's at least 10 floors away from the one you are going to without panicking just a little. )
Well I didn't drink any green beer or any whisky or any alcohol at all that day but I did have an adventure..... I haven't been back to the park since!
Happy St Patrick's Day!!!
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