Saturday, March 28, 2009


So Minuette attended Daycare for the very first time on March 23, 2009. We arrived at the daycare location which is located in a office building and to look at the outside you would never believe there was a daycare behind the doors.

So when we are allowed in as you have to ring the doorbell and wait to be let in the doors are locked... a bonus for my nerves and worries about security. Afterall I didn't wait this long to have a baby just to have her stolen when I entrust her to strangers. She goes directly to the mirror which is at toddler height and pulls it off the wall nail and all... not there a minute and she's destroying the place. While I am attempting to sign her in she's running all over the place (I didn't bring her stroller as I was unsure of elevator versus stairs problem). Going into rooms and stealing peoples shoes (she's a girl alright , she loves shoes).

Finally she is brought into the room where she will be staying for the next 7 hrs. She runs away from me and directly heads for the toys. We are not there a second when a little boy cries .... Minuette looks at this poor child, gives him the dirtiest of looks (some of you might recognize it .... it's just like her dada's when he thinks your an idiot - I get this look often but I've learnt to ignore it) looks at her toy and then looks at him as though he's stupid for crying in such a wonderful place and goes off to play. She never even said good-bye.

I leave feeling disheartened because I left my home with a child and I am walking away without her. I go to my doctors appointment which lasts about 30 min. Then I go home to wait for the time I have to leave to pick her up. It was the hardest 5 hrs of my life. Both Steve and I kept saying we feel weird. I passed some of the time away by taking a nap (which funny enough was when Min took her nap - we are still linked in some way at least but I had to hold back a tear it felt wrong) then I did the dishes and finally it was 3:45pm time to leave to go pick her up it was the 1st time I was looking forward to travelling on the TTC during "Rush Hour" in my life. Apprently my daughter had a blast. She even rode her first bike during her stay and I missed it ;-( .. She liked it so much she ignored me for 10 minutes when I went to pick her up.

So now we know we can bring her to daycare and she'll have a blast. Which is good cause I'll need the place in may!

Sorry I didn't think it appropriate to bring a camera to daycare. Security and all.

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