So my friend Emmy had her 1st biological child on Tuesday April 21st, 2009. His name: Christopher. He has middle names that I will not post at this time as I am not sure of the spelling. I will be visiting her today and I am really excited. I love babies. They are adorable and soft and smell good. But this baby is even more special because I thought he would never come. You see Emmy has been a step mama to a little boy named Shawn and she loves him as if he is her own and for Emmy he was enough. She had been adamant that she was not going to have any children of her own. Right up and including most of my maternity leave. Once I returned to work I found out that she was trying to have a baby and was excited and scared about it. I am happy that she has changed her mind. She'd make a great mama and Shawn deserves to have a sibling.
Let's get this straight, I am not really an advocate that all women be mothers, far from it. Coming from a mother that should have just kept her legs closed, insisted on that saying "no glove no love!" Some women just are not up to the job. We hear about those women everytime we hear of an abused child or an abandoned child. There are cercumstances to all stories and I am a believer that the media blows things up or exagerates them but it's pretty hard to exagerate abandoning a child where it most likely die.
But I knew that Emmy would be a great mama you could see it in the way she is with Shawn, The clear love in her eyes when she just talks about him. When she found out she was pregnant she glowed. I am so proud of her. And so very happy for her! And in time to celebrate Mama's Day!!
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