Sunday, May 17, 2009

I am sad today. I have worked for 4 hours on getting ready to go to Centreville and now it was for naught. I am crying and it's because nothing this weekend is going the way it's supposed to go. I am pissed off that I wasted 4 1/2 hrs getting ready for an outing that's never going to happen. And sad that the reason for it is that a little boy is sick. I'd still go but I hate going to things by myself. I am not that outgoing a person so I can't just strike up a conversation with any of the other people there. So I am going to be spending a beautiful day at home alone with my daughter.

I miss my husband, my daughter misses her father, and I had all of these things planned so we wouldn't miss him so much. If I was a single mom to start with it'd probably be better because we'd be used to having no one around. But I'm not and we are not used to being on our own for so long.

I am sorry if this upsets or offends anyone it's just my feelings and as understanding as I am, I am allowed to my feelings even the selfish ones.

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