She's frowning because I won't give her the camera

I go off to lunch, i eat maybe half of my slice of pizza and my phone starts ringing, Thinking it was Steve calling to check up on me I answer. It's not Steve. It's the site director telling me that Minuette hurt herself during lunch (a cut on the chin) and I should come get her and bring her to the hospital. She said it's not too bad but as a precaution I should bring her anyways, I tell her I will call her back to let her know when I will be there as I need to tell my manager.
All the while feeling like the worst parent in the world. I run back upstairs go directly to my manager tell her quickly that I have to go the daycare called Min's been hurt and she tells me I can leave. I am trying very hard to keep back the tears. I haven't seen the cut, The director said that Min didn't even cry when it happened, but that means nothing. Min barely ever cries when she's hurt herself tough as nails she is. But I have already imagined the worst. I am constantly talking myself down, convincing myself it's much less severe than I am imaging it to be. I finally calm myself down and call Steve I repeat as much as I can remember to him of what the director ACTUALLY said and none of the stuff I imagined her saying. He's upset, said that he should never have listened to me. I automatically defend myself telling him it's not my fault. I had no way of knowing this was going to happen. But I know he's just upset, he's thousands of miles away and not able to come home until Tuesday night and he feels helpless. He can't even comfort her from where he is. I understand how he feels.
So I get to the daycare. Minuette is asleep (see I told you she's tough as nails) we put her in her stroller without her waking up. I made the mistake of trying to look at the cut my eyes played tricks on me cause what I saw was a cut 2 inches big and as deep as the grand canyon (I'm obviously exaggerating but it was close). I immediately took her to the closest hospital (Sunnybrook) without looking in her diaper bag prior to leaving the daycare trusting the caretakers when they answered yes to my question is everything in here?
When I got to Sunnybrook which is not set up for small patients. I had to wait to see the nurse, while waiting I noticed that Min's diaper was full so I had the attendant who was making sure there were no cut ins (we were on the honor system) know I was just going to the bathroom to change her diaper.
To my horror and dismay there were no diapers to be found in the diaper bag. I redressed Min and left the bathroom, went to the attendant and advised her of what happened and asked if there was a store or pharmacy in the hospital that sold diapers cause if there was I was going to buy some (you never know how long you are going to be in the emergency room) as soon as I finished with the registration. She wasn't sure if they sold diapers but as she was going near there she would check.
She came back about 20 minutes later saying all they had was adult diapers. But was suggested by the pharmacist that we ask the nurse for a small when I got in to see him. Sure enough they only had a medium (which would be big for me, so that's saying something) I had cut it in 1/2 because by this time I was desperate Min was already soaked thru her pants. When done with registration and put in the "PURPLE ZONE" for minor situations I left and put on the one half of the adult diaper and her extra pair of pants I had in the bag. I went back to the purple zone. Called my sister-in-law (Minuette's godmother) as she works literally down the hall to ask her if she can go to a store and buy some when she gets off work but of course she had an appointment & couldn't help. Couldn't even drop by for a second before she left.
We were there for 6 hours in total. The procedure: They bundled her up as though she was a newborn in one of the sheets (which we got to keep) I held her body down as the nurse held her head straight and still while the doctor (who also practices at Sick Kids) put a couple of thin short strips of tape to close the wound which although deep wasn't more than a couple of mm's (that's millimetres not the candy) deep and about the width of a pencil eraser (you know the one at the end of the pencil). Now you see how my eyes played tricks on me. He then took this clear glue and put it on top of the tape and covered that with 5-6 more strips. The whole thing took 5 minutes.
She cried thru it all she hates being held down and bundled up but it was also we woke her up to do the procedure... I think that was a bad idea but I am not the doctor.
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