Tuesday, May 12, 2009


We attended our friend's son's 2nd birthday party on May 10th. Minuette was being herself as usual which means she picked on the shyest kid there and wrestled with the oldest one there. Here is a little video showing just a sample of how she is. I love her very much and am very proud that she won't take crap from anyone not even her parents and that she's very determined and doesn't need anyone to tell her what to do in order to have fun, she very independant but there's something to be said about a little girl who will sit and cuddle with you. Unless she's ready to sleep or is in the mood herself to cuddle she's not very willing.

Ah well at least Steve really won't need to buy that shotgun, I feel sorry for the guy she decides she will let date her.... he's in for alot of drama especially if he tries to tell her what to do.

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