I have. In this picture I am around 3 yrs old. I had just spent about a week in Sick Kids Hospital.
The story behind this is way back in the late 1970's our family was still happy and healthy and would do stuff together. We would go apple picking (which I fell out of the tree one year and was never allowed to climb them until I got waaay bigger), Horse back riding (in which I fell off the horse and was the end of my horse back riding career), Berry picking (nothing untoward happened other than a upset tummy - I still love strawberries), camping in which the worst thing that ever happened was I kept catching all the fish when even the adults couldn't catch a minnow! As You can probably tell I was a pretty big clutz growing up and this was all from 4 and under.
Well this insident happened on one of those family group happenings. I was being double rided on a bike (as I said I was about 3yrs .. I say this cause my sister Denise was not there and did not exist so therefore I had to be 3 yrs or younger - I turned 4 yrs old one month & 8 days after she was born) back to the story.... My aunt Teresa was driving the bike she turned to me and said ..... put your feet in the wheels......... so I listened ............ you guessed it I put my feet into the wheels.
The .... was actually DON'T. Do you know how hard it is to hear someone when they are huffing and puffing and facing forward? Hard and again I was 3 yrs so I thought she knew what she was talking about because what I had been doing prior to her saying anything to me was keeping my feet away from the wheels (I was almost doing the splits, I had them so far away from the wheels) but anyhow I went flying. they stitched up my foot and I wasn't allowed to walk but then the sutures got infected and they had to do a skin graft on my foot ( I still have the scars) and I really only remember parts of my stay at Sick Kids, the playroom. Not being able to walk right away.
Well now that I have a daughter I am remembering alot of these events. She's still working on the walking but gets so excited sometimes that she trips over her own feet. The only problem between her now and me back then...... she's more adventurous than I was. I was more about the internal creative process. I made up stories, and songs and games. I had names for all of my toys. Mind you I loved climbing trees and getting dirty... I hated dresses (still do a bit) but she loves dresses ... just don't mess with her hair. Where I loved having my hair brushed. She seems to be the complete opposite of what I was as a child ..... except maybe for the clutz gene .. she seems to have inherited it.... but I got over it maybe she will too!!
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